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Gasteria Flow also called Aloe Flow, or Gasteraloe is a hybrid between Gasteria and Aloe plants with a wonderfully unusual appearance. Its thick, emerald leaves are speckled with white bumps that give it a reptilian texture.

 Gasteria ‘Flow’ is a striking variety, with dark green, triangular-shaped, succulent leaves arranged in a rosette, with a lot of white spots scattered upon the leaf surface.  It’s perfect for growing as a houseplant, even for succulent beginners, where it will require little maintenance. 


Water frequency: â€‹Every 10 to 14 days.


Haworthias have typical watering needs for a succulent. It’s best to allow the moss ball to dry out completely between waterings.




Fill a bowl with room temperature water. Place your kokedama in the water, plant side up. Push the moss ball down so that it is fully submerged and begins to absorb water. Allow soaking for 10-25 minutes, or until fully saturated with water.

Note: We use rainwater. If you use tap water, we recommend letting a bucket of water seat outside for at least 8 hours at daylight while the chlorine evaporates.


Light: Bright light, but not direct sunlight.


Haworthia species like bright light, but not direct sunlight. These grow in similar conditions to other succulents. In their native environment, they are often found in the shade of a rock or other object. They do best in a room with a window facing east or west to provide bright light for a few hours a day. White or yellow leaves usually signify too much sun. If the plant isn't getting enough light, its green color will fade. If you move your indoor Haworthia outdoors for the warmer months, ease the plant into more and more direct light per day or, like a human, it may get a sunburn.




During spring and summer, fertilize your kokedama monthly with a liquid indoor plant fertilizer at 1/2 the recommended concentration. Simply mix the fertilizer into the water and soak as usual.


Leaf Browning


Kokedamas are susceptible to over- and under-watering just like any other potted plant. Leave browning and crisping around edges tend to indicate under-watering. A brown "mushiness" of the leaves or stems, black stems at the base, and leaf-yellowing tend to indicate over-watering. Remember; all plants require less water during dormancy (in fall and winter,) and more during periods of active growth (in spring and summer.)


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